Full page illustration + headline made for Editorial Illustration class.
For this assignment I chose the article " Hey!Parents, leave those kids alone ", written by Hanna Rosin for the april 2014 issue of The Atlantic magazine.
Starting with 12 thumbnails, I explored the idea set in the article that children should play more freely and take more risks in order to achieve a healthy growth. The original photo for the article, took by Peter Yang was really inspiring and a good start point.

After that, I picked the third thumbnail for polish as black and white sketch.

traditional sketch.
With some feedback of my classmates, professor and friends, I refined the lineart, this time, digitally.

digital sketch/value.
For the color comps, I chose three distinctive hours of the day, always trying to get the feeling of "revolution" and "childish epicness".

color comps.
close up here.
While I was working in the second comp as my final, I designed the headline for the article. I found that the font called Paintcans fitted perfectly with the purpose and also worked as a great reference to the cover of the album "The Wall" by Pinky Floyd, where the catch phrase of the article probably came.

headline for the article.
Credits for Graffiti fonts for the "Paintcans" and for Nate Piekos for the font "You Murderer".

illustration and headline together.